Puppy Love Humane Society


Create a brand identity and website for "Puppy Love," a humane society targeting adults aged 20-40 interested in adopting dogs. The welcoming, playful site promotes providing forever homes, ending cruelty, and includes calls to donate, volunteer, and shop for supporting merchandise. Unique features like a compatibility test aim to inspire adoption and support through joyful, sensory experiences.


I developed the brand identity by defining a warm, cheerful, and playful tone, inviting visitors to "discover their perfect companion." Starting with the logo and wordmark, I created three distinct visual identities, refining the final design with adjustments to colors, typefaces, and other elements for a cohesive style guide. Finally, I developed wireframes that led to the final website design, ensuring a joyful sensory experience.

Logo Design:

Wordmark Design:

Concept Development:

Visual Identity #1:

Visual Identity #2:

Visual Identity #3:

Style Guide:


Final Screens:

UI Demonstration:

Link to Demonstration: Click Here!

chloe croskey      croskecj@mail.uc.edu      (330) 690-0376